Maternity Incontinence Panties | 3-Layer Leakproof | 3-Pack

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Maternity incontinence panties are specialized undergarments designed for women during pregnancy and postpartum to provide additional protection and comfort during a time when urinary incontinence may be a concern. These panties feature an extended crotch that has 3 layers. The 1st layer is anti-fungal, anti-microbial & quick dry. The 2nd layer is an absorbent layer and the 3rd layer is a breathable leak proof layer. These layers together help to soak up any leaks and keep clothing dry. It is recommended that women wear maternity incontinence panties during pregnancy and postpartum to help manage urinary incontinence and prevent discomfort and embarrassment. It is also important to practice pelvic floor exercises and maintain good hydration to help prevent urinary incontinence.
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